

Cartas à mão

The more I understand that God's love is the only love worth fighting for, worth living for, worth breathing for, worth rejoicing for, worth hoping for, worth cherishing, I am all the more enlightened that it is indeed all the love I need.
I think that I don’t have to reveal everything, but because I believe this message can enlighten hearts and give understanding and encouragement to other people, I will bare my soul–a bit.Because I am sinful by nature, and I am most often demanding to be treated a certain way.My quickest response is that of self preservation. But also because I am insecure, and there are times when the pressures of this world get into my skin, and though I try to deny to myself that I don't care, that it doesn't matter, it really does, and God knows that it does matter a lot to me.And so I need to preach to myself each time, or else I would end up depressed or making a compromise. No. The love of God is more than enough, and when I remember the cross, and when I ponder on the meaning of grace, I am strengthened because it's not about me.I'm throwing off my childish ways to pursue what God wants for me: to throw off childishness, which expresses itself in selfishness, and to love others.For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.(Tito 2, 11)